Grey Days and Dark Nights

Grey days and dark nights don't last forever; they are just a season we move through. I took the image of tree you can see below, in summer and then again in autumn/winter a few years ago, I recall when I saw the tree in Summer, a friend was saying, "it looks like a lady standing up among the trees". To me it looked like a woman standing up with just her torso exposed and I felt the trees surrounding it were there covering her dignity, supporting and holding her.Do you sometimes feel a ...

Dig deep

Sometimes going deep within can mean to bring some nourishment to the body.  It’s the body’s way of saying time out to go within. Other times it can mean some deep cleansing within needs to take place or you need to dig deep to find answers to questions you may have. For me going deep was to get a little reconnection to myself and to be still. I felt so fatigued yesterday, with no idea why, yes, I had a late night on Saturday but not so late that it would make me feel so wiped ...

The Hibiscus - Flower of Unity and Oneness

What does being in harmony with yourself feel like? To me it's that sense of lightness, joy and happiness.  When my energy feels heavy, ego is in place and I know that there is something that needs to shift. I also feel which should see your body as a musical instrument, when something sounds or feels off, you have to take time out to tune it, so that you have all the sounds that you make come together to create musical harmony. The Hibiscus flower shows up for you when, there is a calling ...


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